Internet Exercise

Ace Practice Test

I. Levels of Participation  (2004 Data)

        A. Apathetic       

        B. Spectator

        C. Transitional       

        D. Gladiatorial

            1. conventional       

            2. unconventional

II. Significance and Nature of the Franchise

        A. Linkage

        B. Policy Shaping

        C. Legitimizing

        D. Extension

        E. Ballot Form

            1.    Office List-Example (single member plurality systems)

            2.     Party List  

            3.   Relative Strengths and Weaknesses

III. Voting Rate - Causal Factors

        A.  Individual Traits (education & voting - p. 5)

        B. Nature of the Political Conflict

        C. Personal Characteristics of Candidates

        D. Type of Election

`        1.     National/State/Local

         2.     Executive/Legislative/Judicial

        E.  Frequency of Elections

        F. Issue Intensity

        G. Candidate Appeal

        H. Registration Procedures and Requirements

Key Web Sites

Electoral Systems

Federal Election Commission

Center for Voting and Democracy

Glossary of Electoral Terms