F E D E R A L I S M  I N   A M E R I C A

Ace Practice Test

I. Introduction

    A. Fundamental Purpose

    B. Basic Questions

    C. The Tenth Amendment

    D. Two Alternatives

        1. Unitary Governments

        2. Confederations

II. Four Models

    A. Dual Federalism (Layer Cake)

    B. Cooperative Federalism ( Marble Cake)

    C. Command Federalism

    D. Functional Federalism (Picket Fence)

III. Major Shifts Federal Balance

    A. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) (You Tube Presentation)

        1.  delegated powers

        2.  implied powers

    B. Civil War Amendments

    C. FDR's New Deal (A Critique of the New Deal)

    D. LBJ's "Great Society" (audio)

    E. New Federalism

IV.     Grants-in-Aid (trends)

    A. Basic Purposes:  Money provided by one level of government to another

    B. Categoric Grants:  A GIA targeted for a specific purpose either by formula or by project

    C. Formula Grants:  A categoric grant distributed according to a particular formula which specifies who is eligible for the grants and how much each eligible applicant will receive.

    D. Block Grants:  A GIA awarded for General Purposes allowing the recipient great discretion in spending the grant money.

    E. Revenue Sharing:  A now defunct program used in the 1970's and 1980's to provide "strings fee" money to states and general purpose local governments.

V. U.S. Governmental Sub-Units

    A. General Purpose

    B. Special Purpose

    C. Creatures of State

VI. Interstate Relations - Horizontal Federalism

    A. Full Faith and Credit Requirement

    B. Privileges and Immunities Requirement

    C. Interstate Compacts

    D. State Conflicts

Key Web Sites

American Federalism:  Significant Events

Federal Gramts in Aid to States:  A Brief History

State and Local Governments on the Net

Federal Systems of the World

The Federalism Project